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April Monthly Meeting Recap

Another month, another Zoom meeting!

While we've actually had several Zoom meetings since our March meeting, this was the "official" one for April. Everyone made great progress on their tree towels from last month and this month we continued with the towels - but this time did some hem stitching and drawn thread embroidery across the bottom of the towels.

Patty graciously sent over some instructions ahead of time so we could all take a look and then took some time during our Zoom calls to answer questions and show some demos. If you missed the meeting or would like another copy of the instructions, we've got them here for you!

You can also check out Mary Corbet's site for some more instructions and photos.

Here's some screenshots from the Zoom meeting:

Before we wrap up this blog post, as a chapter it was decided that there will not be any Wegmans Stitch-in-Publics until further notice. The event calendar has been updated accordingly. We also decided we are going to keep having Zoom meetings every Wednesday at 7:30 pm just to give everyone a chance to enjoy some company.

If you're not already on the chapter email list and would like a Zoom invite, just fill out the contact form and we'll pass it over!

Until next time...keep stitchin'!

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