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March Monthly Meeting Recap

The chapter project for this month was two fingertip towels where we would stitch little trees from Mary Corbet's Twelve Trees. Each participant received the two towels and had to purchase the instructions and any other materials or use items from their stash.

So originally it seemed like we weren't going to be able to have a monthly meeting with all of the coronavirus stuff going on, but Patty's ingenuity allowed us to host a virtual meeting! She mailed out the towels ahead of the meeting so we could get started and prepare any questions.

The chapter joined in on a Zoom call Wednesday evening where we chatted about things going on and showed off our progress on the trees. At most we had about 15 members online at once! Here's a quick screenshot of the call.

We met for about an hour and a half and plan to have more meetings like this in the coming weeks to assist with the completion of the trees as well as to just chat and keep each other sane during this strange time. Patty is also putting together instructions for the weaving on the red sections of the towels that we are doing for our next official meeting on April 22nd.

In the meantime, keep well, stay safe, and keep on stitchin'!

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